RS or RNCP certification: From project to reality

This is not necessarily the case for all training organizations, but at some point in the life of a company, you often find yourself at a pivotal moment, at a time when you feel it is time to donner un nouveau souffle à votre OF pour poursuivre son développement de manière plus sereine et pérenne.

As a manager or project manager, you know that it will do your company a world of good, that you will gain a clearer picture of your positioning on the market, that it will make you move forward and take off your turnover.

Certification RS ou RNCP

Yes, but from intention to action, from project to reality, there are a certain number of freins qui peuvent vous ralentir, or even prevent you from moving on to the next level.

I voluntarily take from this article l’exemple de la certification RS ou RNCP car si vous vous intéressez au sujet, vous savez à quel point ce projet est contraignant. Mais il ne s’agit que d’un exemple to illustrate a necessary evolution of your strategy. Depending on the case, depending on where you are in your training organization journey, it may also involve obtaining an NDA, Qualiopi certification, a quality audit, a recruitment project, an expansion of your training offering, and so on.

Here are some tips to help you get started and turn your project into reality!

Certification RS ou RNCP, première étape : Identifier les freins

One of the most common reasons that pushes our clients to postpone, delay, or even sometimes abandon a strategic project that is nevertheless necessary and promising is, it's,...well, I'll let you guess,...lack of time Of course !

Combien d’entre nous se sont déjà laissés absorber par les actions du quotidien, les urgences opérationnelles liées aux formations en cours et à venir ? Soyons honnêtes, ça arrive à tous les organismes de formation et à toutes les entreprises. Mais what does it hide really, without going into a philosophy or psychology course?

De ce que nous avons pu observer au sein de notre cabinet, Postponing a strategic development project is often an indicator of stress and worry. Developing your company involves changes for both the manager and the teams. Bringing a project to life means that some of the existing professional practices may have to disappear, which is not always easy to accept. Considering a change in your company also makes it difficult to plan ahead. Is the time spent on an RS/RNCP certification project or any other project worth it? As a manager, what risks am I prepared to take and make my employees take, and for what benefits?

Step two: Know how to surround yourself

Faced with all these questions, it is completely understandable that taking action can sometimes be long and complicated. To help you see things more clearly, there is nothing better than calling on a consulting firm specializing in the development of strategic projects.

By explaining your wishes and your obstacles, you will have a mirror effect, a caring and experienced person to support you and determine with you which project is most suitable at the moment T to your structure. For example, we are often contacted by training organizations that have an RS or RNCP certification project in mind, but ultimately, following a situation audit, it turns out that this strategy is not necessarily the most optimal and that other solutions exist.

Beyond the strategic orientation, once the type of project has been validated, being supported also brings you: a framework and a working method, with the establishment of a calendar by category of actions.

Even if support represents a cost for your organization, it allows you to strengthen your training organization or your business to face the vagaries of the market and to have confidence in the future. In addition to the renewed motivation, it also allows you to continue to devote all your energy to your core business. And all that, I believe, is priceless!

If this article resonates with you, then don't hesitate any longer. It's time for you to take the plunge and contact us to arrange an initial telephone or video meeting with a member of our team.

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