What is France Compétences?

When I joined Diligence Consulting last spring, I had never heard of France Compétences, or very little. And since then, I hear it all the time, or almost. So this famous word, France Compétences, must have a lot of importance in the world of professional training!

I suggest you share here what I imagined about France Compétences.

If you would like to go further on the subject, a full article will talk about France Compétences in our next Newsletter*.

France Compétences, c'est quoi ? Image  circulaire sur fond rouge, avec une femme qui regarde une immense liste à la loupe.

When I first heard the word France Compétences come out of the mouths of Sandrine Ouilibona and Lucile Trihan, I was like a child, completely amazed and attracted. France Compétences, you would think it was a word for grown-ups. It seemed very serious to me. If I also used the word France Compétences, I would become very, very grown-up. I would impress the people who work in the field. And then, in addition, there seemed to be lots of other words associated with it: registration, certification, RS/RNCP. It seemed like this was a very big and beautiful family.

But, quickly, my enthusiasm slowed down a little. I even started to be a little afraid. It's because, clearly, we don't joke around with France Compétences. We take kid gloves with France Compétences. I quickly felt that France Compétences represented the supreme authority in the world of professional training and for Diligence Consulting. It embodies authority. There are rules and they must be respected.

And then, I reassured myself. In fact, even if I don't yet know very well what France Compétences means, what it represents and what it implies, fortunately France Compétences is there, fortunately France Compétences exists. Imagine, it's as if a country found itself without a leader. Look at what happens, it's civil war, total chaos. Because any organization needs a framework to organize itself, to evolve and to flourish. And I believe that this is the role that France Compétences plays. Regulate the world of professional training, to prevent everyone from doing anything, and so that everyone in our society can access the professional training of their choice in the best possible conditions!

But, to really understand what France Compétences is, what its role is and why it is so important, I asked Lucile to explain it to me. We did an interview, the transcription of which will be in the next Newsletter*!

*The newsletter is sent every last Tuesday of the month, in order to share with you information on the world of professional training and certifications, but also to give you a behind-the-scenes tour of Diligence Consulting!

By Vanessa Vasseur

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