The typical path of an OF

What is the typical path of an OF (training organization)? This is a legitimate question, but the fact is that there is not really ONE typical path, but rather several possibilities depending on the desires and specificities of the organization. In this article, we offer you a little overview!

To make it more meaningful, we have chosen to give you a visual summary of the 4 main steps. Only the first is mandatory for all OFs, the other three depend on your situation, your needs and your desires in terms of development!

Creation and legal existence

The only mandatory point common to all! You must create a company, whatever its status (company, self-employed, SASU, etc.), then you must declare yourself as a training organization, in order to obtain an Activity Declaration Number (NDA).


While many OFs choose to obtain Qualiopi, it is not an obligation. For many self-employed people, for example, it is not really relevant. You can be a training organization and still only have clients who pay directly. However, Qualiopi is very useful as soon as you want to offer financing such as OPCOs, regions, France Travail (formerly Pôle Emploi), Agefiph, etc. It is also a useful investment if you want to be a subcontractor for other OFs that use the CPF, for example.

Development and partnerships

An interesting step, because most OFs are looking to develop. This can be done through partnerships, which allow you to offer training eligible for the CPF and/or leading to certification without becoming a certifier yourself!

Become a certification body

Finally, registering a certification with the RS or RNCP is a possible evolution of the OF, without necessarily corresponding to all OFs, far from it! Becoming a certifier means really evolving your organization, taking on new responsibilities and developing a new activity. It's a great opportunity, but it shouldn't be done lightly!

That's it for these four key stages in the life of an OF! Let's remember again that there is no real typical path for an OF, it is very important to do what is best for your center, and not follow the example of other centers. If you would like to discuss your organization and its specificities, send us a message!

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