Key words of vocational training

les mots clés de la formation professionnelle

Vocational training is a vast subject when you think about it, isn't it?

When I think about vocational training, on the one hand I say to myself, wow great, this is an extremely interesting field, which makes sense, which is useful, which helps the people who benefit from it individually to develop themselves and develop their skills. But which also helps the collective, which supports society in its developments, which promotes emerging professions, to ensure that supply and demand are aligned in terms of employment.

And then, on the other hand, I say to myself, pff, in fact, vocational training seems far too complicated to understand and follow. That's normal, you might say, given the challenges of vocational training, we can't let anything happen, at any time. To be used wisely, vocational training needs a framework and needs regulations at all levels. This is why the management of vocational training is attached to a national institution, France Compétences, itself attached to the ministry. And this is also why vocational training is subject to numerous laws and regulatory texts, which can be found in several codes such as the labor code and even the consumer code.

DC’s mission: to make professional training accessible to all stakeholders!

So, let's not lie to ourselves, when we take a look behind the scenes, it can put off more than one person (including me!) when you want to become a player in professional training. And if you are already part of the large professional training family and you want to go further, to better master the workings of your sector, you may come up against an obstacle: the "jargon" of professional training.

At Diligence Consulting, we are committed to making professional training accessible to everyone. There are many consulting firms on the market to help you pass your Qualiopi audit and/or obtain your RS/RNCP certification. Our team does that too. But the real strength, the added value of Diligence, initiated by Sandrine Ouilibona, the founder, is to popularize the procedures and keywords with you, to make simple everything that may seem complex.

So that, following our support, you are comfortable and independent in developing your training activity.

So that working in vocational training is and always remains a pleasure.

Professional training ABCs available in our newsletter

With this in mind, since last February, we have decided to create an ABC of vocational training. We are building it with you as we go along in our monthly newsletter. You will be able to find keywords and acronyms that you hear and use every day, such as CPF and work-study, for example, but also words that are a little less widespread, such as VAP and blended learning.

Whether it is to discover and/or rediscover the main keywords of professional training, we invite you to join our newsletter for free.

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