Publish a training offer on EDOF

publier une offre de formation sur EDOF

Your training action is eligible for the CPF, and you now need to publish a training offer on EDOF, the dedicated platform. Here is the procedure to follow to use EDOF correctly and respect the codes and T&Cs.

Article Summary:

  • Comply with legal obligations related to the CPF
    • Activate the EDOF process
    • Enter your catalog
  • How to enter a training offer
    • What style to use?
    • What do the different input areas correspond to?
  • What to do when an intern registers?
  • And from the intern's point of view?

My Training Account offers you a series of articles, and a guide whose content we summarize for you.

Comply with legal obligations related to the CPF

To continue to be eligible for funding, you must be up to date with legal and regulatory obligations, be Qualiopi certified, reference an eligible offer and be authorized by the Certifier.

It is also recommended to:  

  • register your certification on the Data Dock in order to make its offer referenceable by financiers, including the Caisse des Dépôts. To do this, simply create your account, provide information to your organization and register your Qualiopi certificate.  
  • make its offer visible to funders (Pôle emploi, OPCO, Regions) and recommenders including CEPs. To do this, it is possible to register your organization and its offer on the regional database of the Ile-de-France vocational training offer Dokelio Or  Carif-Oref network , in the region. 

You also guarantee compliance with the guide in the event of subcontracting, and you must be able to provide all information relating to the training action in the event of an inspection.

Activate the EDOF process

Before you can access the professional space, you must activate your “EDOF approach” via the dedicated portal. You will need an activation code that will have been sent to your head office. This code is changed in the event of a change in the SIREN or the Activity Declaration number, or in the event of a change in the email address provided in the portal.

Enter your catalog

When entering your data, you must participate in the neutrality of the platform and respect the conditions of fair competition between training organizations.

Your offer must therefore be written in French, even if the training is provided in a foreign language. You can use hyperlinks to refer to another complementary training action referenced on My Training Account, or to the page of your website which deals with this action.

Particular attention must be paid to linking your training action to the correct certification. If you do not enter the correct RNCP or RS code, your offer will be deactivated.

You can use the “My Training Account” brand and logo, but only to promote CPF-referenced training activities and without making any modifications to them.

Finally, you must respect the three working day deadline to declare the trainee's entry into training and exit from training, and check the amount reported in the invoice data in EDOF.

Once your offer is entered, EDOF will generate a link to include on your website in order to arrive directly at the offer. This will allow beneficiaries to easily find your offer on EDOF.  

How to enter a training offer?

What style to use

You have to try to be as clear as possible and not write everything. The goal is to give the essential information so that the future trainee can choose between several training courses.

If possible, try to make affirmative and active sentences, in the spirit of the Qualiopi programs, and check the consistency of all the information given.

What do the different input zones correspond to?

For each input field, you can find examples in the guide.

1. Title of the training

The shorter and more concise it is, the better it will rank in the search engine. So it is in your best interest to think about keywords. The name of your organization and the number of hours should not be included.

2. Terms, Objectives and Contents

The "modalities" field must provide the prerequisites and admission modalities as precisely as possible. In order to communicate the correct information, it is better to be exhaustive in this field.

For objectives, favor action verbs and operational objectives, that is to say, those that are measurable and realistic.

Finally, use short sentences to talk about your content so that it is clear. You can also explain the course of the training and its steps.

3. The Strengths of the training

This is the field where you can enhance your value and stand out! Although you must remain objective and factual in order to comply with legal obligations, you can indicate a success rate, satisfaction rate, a label or quality standard, or even innovative methods or modalities... Think about what makes your training unique!

It is strongly advised not to simply describe the training, even if you do not know what to write. Indeed, future trainees know the description since they have already read your content! Instead, try to highlight the advantages linked to the methods or the qualities of your trainers.

4. Other fields

In addition to these main fields, you will also need to choose the certification offered from a list, provide the type of course from a drop-down menu, and indicate the location of the training and the price including tax. You will also need to provide the contact details of the contact person(s).

Your offer remains modifiable if necessary. Changes will be visible after 24 hours in the search engine results.

5. Certification

As your action must be certifying, you must be vigilant on certain points: the contents and objectives must match the certification sought, you must check that the certification is active, and report to the Certifier any problem in the indexing of its certification.

What to do when an intern registers?

When a trainee makes a registration request via their My Training Account space, you receive a notification. You then have two working days to respond. If your training action requires prerequisites, you must acknowledge receipt of the request within two days and then you have an additional thirty days to contact the trainee and validate the prerequisites.

It is essential to respect this deadline of two working days, otherwise you will no longer be able to accept the request.

Once the file is accepted, the trainee has four working days to finalize the registration and pay. After that, you can start the training. Do not forget to come and indicate the entry into training within three days. At the end of the training, the trainee must pass the certification, and you must indicate the exit from training.

You will only receive payment once the training has been completed and the billing details have been submitted (this includes the invoice number).

And from the intern's point of view?

The easiest way for the trainee is to use the link generated by EDOF and available on your website to register for your training. 

They need to be able to find all the necessary information about your offer, particularly regarding access for people with disabilities. You therefore need to ensure that this information is available.  

After passing the certification, the trainee will evaluate the service. In fact, the CPF account takes into account the trainees' evaluations based on the following criteria: Reception, training content, team of trainers, availability and support. The trainee gives a score for each criterion, then an average is established.  

The grades are then published on My Training Account anonymously and without comments. Only the grade for each criterion is visible.  

This feedback is not only important because it is visible on the platform and can therefore be taken into account by potential future trainees, but also because it allows you to improve your services. It is therefore a quality indicator that can and must be taken into account as part of continuous improvement.