That's it, the door of 2024 has closed to open a new one, that of the year 2025. It is traditionally the month when we exchange our best wishes, with our loved ones but also with all of our professional partners: colleagues, clients, interns, trainers, etc. It is the moment when we wish each other a bright and serene year, a successful year with promising projects! And to do this, nothing is better than an effective business strategy!
And yet, this year, in the professional training market as in all sectors, the new page to be written is truly blank, very white. Never has a year started with so many shadows on the board. Never have companies been faced with so much uncertainty, without really knowing where to go, what decisions to make, what directions to follow.
In this article, I will not go into the details of what you probably already know. I will not become a media relay and even less a political spokesperson. Unless you live on another planet, it is almost impossible for you to miss the government movements at the end of 2024 and consequences on the budgets and financing of professional training, at least for the start of 2025.
Everyone expects new reforms, to new requirements and a reduction in budgetary envelopes, but when, how, to what extent? The questions and therefore also the speculations are numerous.
In this article, I would rather share with you 3 tips for managing your business in the best possible conditions. Whether you are a training organization or not, these tips apply to every business strategy!
Stratégie d’entreprise 2025 : The stronger your boat is, the better it can withstand waves and storms!
To do this, make sure to maintain and consolidate your mattress, the heart, the DNA of your company. A mattress that is firm enough, but soft enough too. Well, I think you get the picture. You can have great ideas, engaging and promising projects, but, like in a house, if you don't have the foundations, if you don't have the floor, the walls end up collapsing. And if your foundations are there but they are closely linked to a partner, to a device outside your company on which you are dependent, then, be careful, your floor may turn out to be more friable than you think.
To start the year, for example, it may be very relevant to check the strategic positioning of your company. For this, it is recommended to call upon an external consulting firm that will not directly sell you a service offer but will simply offer you a diagnosis, an audit of where you are in relation to the path you have already taken. If everything is in place, then very good, you are reassured and ready to face all the challenges that arise and seize all the growth opportunities.
If a readjustment of your positioning and therefore of your business strategy is advisable or even necessary, then in this case, a support service will be offered to you, completely personalized to your situation.
Do your spring cleaning in winter!
When there are doubts about funding, government aid, or when the economic outlook is not encouraging, this does not mean that your company should stop all investment. What it must avoid is putting itself in danger.
However, yes, it is in your best interest to be vigilant about your spending, why not by limiting or even eliminating certain fees. For example, some subscriptions may have been maintained out of habit, but are no longer relevant today. In this case, this is the opportunity to make a budget cleaning by going through your accounting balance sheets.
But, don't forget tip #1. Time is money. And often, if a company doesn't take stock of its unnecessary expenses, it's simply because it doesn't have the time to do so. And it's right. Because its primary mission is to focus on its core business to keep its business alive.
In your business premises, in your team offices, in your meeting and/or training rooms, you use a cleaning company to do the cleaning. We all agree that every employee needs to work in a clean space and that every intern also needs a clean space to train. So why not outsource all other cleaning?
Cleaning up expenses, but also cleaning up your working documents. Files stored in the right place save a lot of time, and it makes a company more efficient. To strengthen itself and move forward, a company does not always need to aim for the moon, to dream of a particular certification or partnership. Sometimes, it is a question of implementing very simple and very concrete actions.
Opt for reasoned and sustainable monitoring!
Every company needs to carry out regular monitoring, both on the legal and regulatory level and on the news of its market. So much so, as we know, that monitoring is one of the Qualiopi indicators for training organizations. This does not mean that your company should get lost in fishing for all the information. What you need is to:reliable information to always stay one step ahead.
And when there is a vagueness in government announcements, it opens the door to interpretations and assumptions of all kinds. In addition, sharing information has become a major marketing medium, at a time when artificial intelligence and tools like ChatGPT allow you to generate an article in a few clicks.
You can go to the official websites, like that of Legifrance, if you need to find an article of law or a decree, or that of INSEE for statistics. In any case, remember to check the source of the information you have collected.
But, above all, within Diligence Consulting, we cannot advise you enough to surround yourself with a network of trust and experts to share information that will grow your business. Exchanging with peers and connecting with other players in your market will allow you to nurture a virtuous win-win circle. And when a change is brewing, you will be the first to know, even if no announcement has been made yet!
Do you want to start 2025 on the right foot and gain clarity in your business strategy? Contact us to arrange an initial telephone or video meeting!
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